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Chapter 1: The Fundamentals of SelfDiscipline

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The 80/20 Principle says that 80% of the results come from 20% of the

efforts. In reality, you often need to know just one thing to achieve

extraordinary results.

Self-discipline is no different. It can also be simplified to one concept –

automating your behaviors. You don’t need any more self-discipline than you

have now if you learn how to establish new habits in your life – default

actions you take when tempted to lose sight of your long-term goals.

Imagine you’re on a diet and someone offers you a chocolate bar. Your

long-term goal is to lose weight and become healthier. But the temptation

staring straight in your face – a delicious bomb of sugar – lures you in almost

as if it meant your death if you didn’t eat it.

You wriggle and squirm, trying to draw from your willpower and say no.

Two minutes later (if not sooner), the chocolate bar is gone. After all, what

the hell – one chocolate bar won’t screw up your diet, right? The next time

someone offers you a chocolate bar, you won’t be able to resist again. Soon,

you’ll drop your diet and go back to your regular eating habits.

All because you haven’t developed an automated reaction to someone

offering you a chocolate bar.

Now imagine your behavior is automated – you followed the 80/20

Principle and introduced a habit in your life. At the sight of a chocolate bar,

you become self-aware of your craving. But instead of giving in, you

recognize the craving for what it is – a detour that will take you away from

your long-term goal. You remind yourself you can eliminate the craving by

eating a piece of fruit.

All of it happens in an instant. It’s as natural to you as brushing your teeth

right after you wake up (you don’t need to exert your self-discipline to do it,

do you?).

Congratulations, your automated behavior has prevented you from

breaking your resolutions

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